潺潺水面闪着无数细碎的波光 像是从天而降星的疏星 倒映在眼眸里美成了画报 清新相融合充满生机又治愈 洁白又轻薄的层层白纱 在满是绿意的草坪上肆意飘动 感受风从水面吹拂而过 带着清新的水 倚靠在爱人怀里 此刻的静谧厲干彼此 如梦境般的朦胧[更多…]
I love three things in this world. Sun, moon, and you. The sun for morning. The moon for night. You forever.[更多…]
I love you in the morning and in the afternoon I love you in the evening and underneath the moon[更多…]